They say it’s a man’s world out there, but not where franchising is concerned! Women are taking the franchising business by storm, and with good reason. Below are just a few of them.
Serious organizational skills
Women are great at... (Read More)
Every franchise owner wants to reduce employee turnover. Turnover is stressful, costly and can harm the reputation of your franchise brand. Here are a few tips to keep turnover at bay.
Check in regularly
Don’t just assume your staff is... (Read More)
So you’ve decided to take the leap and finally buy a franchise. Awesome! Of course, the problem with buying anything is that you need actual money for it. And although some franchises are less expensive than others, they still require you to... (Read More)
Before you begin your exciting franchise journey, there are certain things that you need to do first. Take a look below for ways to prepare to open your very first franchise.
Assess yourself
This is a good time to take stock of yourself... (Read More)
There are so many questions with owning a franchise and with that comes a lot of misinformation.
f you’re going to be the owner of a franchise, it’s important to get the facts before you dive into the job. Take a look below at just a few of... (Read More)
You don’t want to be nailed down to the 9-to-5 corporate structure. That’s why you chose to be the owner of your own franchise in the first place. And that’s a good idea, as it turns out. Because your flexibility may be one of the main... (Read More)
Fact: the majority of individuals who purchase a franchise are men. Also fact: women are quickly catching up to them. (Between 2011 and 2017, female franchise ownership jumped by 83 percent, while male ownership only increased 13 percent). The... (Read More)
In the past, you were probably taught that a higher level of education would lead to more opportunities in life. And this is still certainly true in some professions, such as medicine and law. But just how much book knowledge is needed to own a... (Read More)
Do you have trouble tooting your own horn, especially when it comes to marketing your franchise? Have no fear! You can actually market and have fun at the same time!
Make it personal
One of the best things about owning a franchise is that... (Read More)